

The announcement in the news columns of the CRIMSON today that a straw vote will be taken on the more prominent candidates for the presidency of the United States has deep significance. Regardless of the results of the poll, the fact that it is to be conducted is a rebuttal of the criticism often directed at college men that they show a deplorable lack of interest in national affairs.

The undergraduates of today will be the electorate of tomorrow and their sentiments regarding issues of national importance, expressed in their reaction to the principles and personalities of the men who are at present in the lime-light of possible nomination, are of interest. One feature of the present straw vote was lacking in those conducted by many college newspapers four years ago. In its columns the CRIMSON will publish the opinions of prominent local politicians concerning all the candidates whose names will appear on the ballot.

The widespread undergraduate interest in the coming election has found partial expression in the political clubs which have been formed. In presenting an opportunity for general undergraduate opinion to reveal itself the CRIMSON hopes to make vocal the feelings of Harvard men on a subject on which they have been, it is true, too often silent.
