The forty-first meeting of the Harvard Teachers Association, which this year is being combined to but a single day of assemblies, will be held here this Saturday. Two sessions will constitute the day, with a luncheon to be held at noon in Memorial Hall. The morning and afternoon meetings will take place in Sanders Theatre. At lunch on Saturday the speaker will be Roscoe Pound Hon. '20, Dean of the Law School.
Opening the session of the Teachers Association will be a meeting at 9.30 o'clock in Sanders Theatre, at which time the meeting will treat of the topic "Education and its Responsibilities towards Crime." The subjects and speakers will be as follows:
"How can an Educator Help to Combat Crime?", Professor F. B. Sayre of the Law School; "The Importance of Education during the First Decade", Dr. D. A. Thom, Habit Clinics, Boston; and "The Responsibilities of the Public School", Professor F. E. Spaulding, Yale University.
The luncheon will take place at 1 o'clock in Memorial Hall, the toastmaster of which is to be Dean H. W. Jones of the Law School. At the luncheon Dean Pound will speak on "Education and Legal Order"; and Hon. G. W. Wickersham, Chairman of the Commission on Law Enforcement, will give a talk "Is Education a deterrent to Crime?"
Both sessions are open to the public, and all members of the University are invited to attend.
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