Names of seven Juniors who have been regularly nominated for the three elective offices of the Phillips Brooks House Association were announced yesterday by G. K. Martin '32, president of the Association.
The nominees are J. H. Crandon '33, E. Y. Hartshorne, Jr. '33, R. S. Neff '33, Peter Shuebruk '33, W. I. Tucker '33, F. G. Welch '33 and Peregrine White '33. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will become president; the second highest, vice-president; and the third highest, secretary-treasurer.
Additional nominations for offices from men in the Junior Class may be made by petitions signed by 20 members of the Brooks House Association. Such nominations must be delivered to E. S. Amazeen '31, graduate secretary, at Phillips Brooks House not later than Friday. Shortly thereafter ballots will be sent to every member of the Association. Ballots must be returned by April 2, when the results of the elections will be made known. Martin, N. N. Cochrane '32, vice-president; and F. F. Wilder '32, are the retiring officers. Usually about 400 votes are cast.
Peregrine White '33 has been chairman of the Foreign Student Committee during the last year. He received a scholarship last summer which enabled him to attend the International Relations Committee meeting at Geneva.
W. I. Tucker '33, has been chairman of the Speaker's Committee. J. H. Crandon '33, E. Y. Hartshorne '33, and R. S. Neff '33 have been connected with the Social Service work of Brooks House.
The Senior and graduate members of the Cabinet nominate all men for elective offices, while the various chairmen of the committees are selected by their predecessors with the approval of the graduate secretary. All members of the Association who do not receive a post card ballot are requested to secure one at Brooks House.
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