9 o'clock
"The Vision of Er," Professor Gulick, Sever 26.
"Types of Antennae," Professor Chaffee, Cruft Lecture Room 2.
10 o'clock
"American Humor," Professor Matthiessen, Harvard 6.
11 o'clock
"J. M. Barrie's Dramatic Works," Professor J. T. Murray, Harvard 3.
12 o'clock
"Berlioz the Red," Professor Hill, Music Building.
"Study of Beethoven's Missa Solemnis'," Professor Ballantine, Music Building.
9 o'clock
"The French Revolution," Professor Langer, New Lecture Hall.
"Horace's Satires," Professor Peterkin, Sever 14.
"The Flavians," Mr. Hammond, Sever 18.
10 o'clock
"Dirck Bouts," Dr. Kuhn, Germanic Museum.
"Spinoza on Human Freedom," Professor Eaton, Emerson D.
"Nathaniel Hawthorne,". Professor Murdock, Sever 11.
11 o'clock
"Valerius Maximus, Velleius Paterculus and Quintus Curtus," Professor Rand, Sever 13.
"The Great Debate on Imperialism," Professor Baxter, Harvard 1.
"Sienese Medieval Painting," Professor Edgell Fogg Large Room.
12 o'clock
"Austrie-Hungary; the Conflict of Nationalities," Professor Langer, Harvard 6.
"Induction Coils and Telephones," Professor Black, Jefferson Physical Laboratory 250.
"Applications of Power: 1500-1800," Professor Usher, Widener U.
"Thomas Dekker's Dramatic Works," Professor J. T. Murray, Harvard 3.
"Piero della Francesca," Professor Post, Fogg Large Room.
"Hyperion," Professor Lowes, Emerson D.
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