

Reformed Republican and Episcopalian

America is seriously threatened. The danger is not remote. The dupe within is opening the gate to the enemy without. The greatest danger arises from the joining of the forces of the gutter Anarchists with the so-called intelligentsia in our educational institutions.

It is safe to say that no institution of learning in the country has been so thoroughly saturated with the "liberal" activity as Harvard university.

"It would appear that the Harvard Liberal Club may be the means devised and about to be used as propaganda agencies by radical movements not yet disclosed. Such a plan of radical activity is patently dangerous, as the students at that age, while mentally keen, active and alert, have not yet formed their permanent characters and are at a formative period in their mental development, during which they are particularly susceptible to the influence of older minds, especially those of their masters whom they are accustomed to look up to as fountains of authority, wisdom, and guidance. Under those circumstances, with men like Felix Frankfurter, Roger Baldwin and others behind such a movement, its potentialities for evil at once appear to be tremendous."

"Socialism seems to possess an irresistible fascination for cranks and eccentrics of all sorts."

"The undesirable professor does not embezzle funds; he makes a silly ass of himself. He does not run away with a client's money; he lets a fool idea run away with him. . . There is a type of professor who attempts to be as silly, sensational and shocking as possible."


"It would be better for America to have its youth poisoned with strychnine than with Bolshevism."

May the time never come when it will be the wise course to lock the college doors and let sheep and cattle graze on the campus that in former years had been the happy hunting ground for those who sought culture.

It is better to keep young Americans at home--Maybe they may miss a little science, a little smattering of this or that, but, at least, we shall keep them better Americans and happier and sounder citizens.

Excerpts from Edwin Marshall Hadley's book, entitled T. N. T.

(Ed note--It was felt that in order to establish Mr. Hadley's complete disinterestedness the reader should have some knowledge of the qualifications peculiarly fitting him to be the author of his book, quoted above. This fragmentary biography is taken from the American Who's Who of 1922-23.

"Hadley, Edwin Marshall--b. Peoria, Ill. Oct. 14, 1872, eighth in lineal descent from Edward Fitz Randolph, from Nottinghamshire to N. E. 1630. With others organized the Dudley Coffee Co. (importers) and the Ceylon Planters Tea Co. (and many others) One of organizers Ill. Reserve Militia. Chicago Boy Scout Committeeman. Winner many athletic trophies. Contbr, to mags., orator, after dinner speaker. Republican. Reformed Episcopalian.")
