
Long Live That Quaver


(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer will names be with-held.)

To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

I would hesitate to impeach the accuracy of your estimable paper were it not that a friendship of many years standing demands that credit be given where credit is due. It is hard to realize that college memories are so short lived but when you state in a recent issue that Eliot House will be the only House to have an "individual coach" (one wonders whether a coach can be more than an individual) for its "exclusive boating club" ("for it's jolly boating weather") you do a grave injustice to my quondam mentor and still esteemed friend, the Head Tutor of Lowell House, whose services to the crew, back in '31, still live vividly in the recollections of those privileged to row in that remarkable boat. Has the present generation forgotten that breath-taking race against Dunster House for the Thunder Mug (the original gold plated porcelain trophy) when number 7 jumped from his slide at the second stroke but counted his flesh as naught against the race? Or the famous regatta in which the Bell-boys, their whiskers blowing to the winds and their derbies cocked proudly, rowed through the whole fleet to the plaudits of all (as one spectator was heard to remark: ". . . and they could even row!")? Sir, the old days may have gone, the ancient heroes may have yielded their pedestals to upstarts, but one voice, so long as a quaver still remains, will be raised to defend the just glories of the Lowell Gentlemen and their honored Coach. Sincerely yours, James B. Gregg 1L.
