Thirty Harvard men will attend the Assembly of the Model League of Nations at Providence. R. I., over the week-end of March 4, it was learned yesterday. Since Harvard is representing only three countries, and each country is allowed but six delegates, 2 men will act as observers.
A final meeting will be held in the tutors' common room in Winthrop House at 1.45 o'clock Monday, when details of transportation and accomodations will be settled. It is probable that the Harvard and Radcliffe delegations will travel to Providence by bus.
Popper Will Preside
D. H. Popper '32 will preside at the Model League Council on Friday morning, March 4, when the Sino-Japanese question will be discussed. Friday evening a dance will be held, and on Saturday morning the Assembly will convene, to debate current international topics. Harvard will represent France, Siam, and Chile. The week-end will culminate in a critique of the proceedings by James A. MacDonald of the Foreign Policy Association of New York.
There is still a possibility for those who have not yet signed up to go to the Assembly. They are asked to see Popper after the meeting Monday. The only delegates who have been definitely selected are those who will represent France: W. R. Furlong, Jr. '32, Ulrich Kersten grL, J. W. Page '33, D. H. Popper '32, Howard Rubin '32, and R. E. L. Williamson de Visme 1G.
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