

The quiet and mossy seclusion of the Poetry Room has been too little disturbed since its doors were thrown open to the University last fall. Sequestered in the upper reaches of Widener and left to blush unseen in the sterile atmosphere of the special libraries, the Poetry Room has failed to fulfill its high promise. Unfortunately to the difficulties of its location have been added other obstacles which discourage the ordinary mortal in pursuit of his muse.

If the Poetry Room were to be open during the mornings as well as during the afternoons its value for the casual reader would be greatly increased. As its chief function is to make available a fine library of poetry to all who wish to come and browse, it should not deliberately close its doors at a time when it would be most used. The denizen of the house plan must traverse many dreary leagues before reaching the security of Widener's shadow. It is only during the morning, when he is of necessity drawn to the Yard because of classes, that he would avail himself of the opportunities offered by the Poetry Room. If a half-hour with the poets prefaced by a fifteen minute much of the glamour is lost in .

The spirit of Amy Lowell, for great bulk, is a part of the Poetry Room where all her own books are on the shelves. Here one is offered intimacy with our literary heritage and at the same time is allowed to follow what is newest in the of poetry. When the University has such a potential force for development as this, no unnecessary limitations should define its scope.
