A DOLPH Hitler is a striking figure in contemporary world affairs. Since the War, he has risen from the humble post of corporal in the German Imperial Army to the leader of the second most powerful political party in Germany, commanding six and a half million votes, and directing one of the strongest; reactionary forces in present day politics.
"Nordicus" set out to give a complete analysis of Hitler's character and ambitions, his program, and the policies which might have a far-reaching influence should this "dapper Austrian" succeed in making himself dictator of the Reich. The anonymity of the writer testifies to the nature of this analysis. It goes behind the scene of German politics and paints a picture of which the truth can be disproved only by close contact with and observation of the men at the head of the movement.
It was inevitable after the treaties which ended the World War and gave permanence to pre-war hatreds and suspicions, that a movement should spring up in Germany to relieve the nation of the crushing burdens of defeat and to enable Germany to take her rightful place among the nations of the world. This feeling has been capitalized by Hitler who has seized upon it as a means for the realization of his own dreams of power.
The characterization which "Nordicus" draws of Hitler and his lieutenant, Goebbels, is not a happy prophesy of the future peace of the world if the movement succeeds. The leaders of the Hitler movement are represented as demagogues and opportunists whose inspiration is not patriotism but a mere thirst for power. Hitler himself is depicted as shrewd and clever. He has discovered the power which he possesses of swaying the masses by his eloquence and through this quality makes his appeal to emotion and not to reason. A worshipper of Napoleon, and an imitator of Mussolini, Hitler lacks the brilliance and strength of character to be either.
The program of the party is full of contradictions, a mixture of extreme conservatism and socialism. Anti-Semitism, is one of its principle dogmas yet Herr Goebbels is supposed to be of mixed blood. Land reforms were incorporated into the party platform but when the farmers demanded and explanation. Hitler propaganda painted a rosy picture, of the future of German agriculture, and captured the farm vote. A new economic theory is being created for the Hitler polity. Interest will be abolished and the medium of exchange will be unsecured paper, but property will still be in private hands. Hatred of France is another popular plank in the platform.
The Hitler policy is designed for the purpose of catching votes without regard to consistency. It promise a social and economic utopia for the masses, the class which ultimately controls the government through the ballot. Nordicus explains a cardinal Hitler principle when he says. "For every intelligent head there are ten stupid ones, whose votes, banded together, suffice to attain the desired end. Intelligent reasoning, according to Hitler, has no place among the modern masses." J. C. P.
About "Upheaval" the memoirs of Meadame Olga Woronoff, nee Countess Kleiumichel, and Maid of Honor to the late Empress Alexandra. Booth Tarkingten says: "No writer upon the Russian engulfment has printed a more living account of human beings who lived and perished, were heroic and gay, weak, bewildered and absurdly brave during the months of a Terroy--Madame Woronoff is distinguished for her gift of expressiveness--and her narrative seems to me to be so revealing and so alive and so eminently readable that I could not. If would, refrain from saying that it should be read' by everyone interested in history and to human beings." Olgo Worenoff lives with her husband and small daughter. Tatiaua, in a small cottage on an estate in St. David's, Pennsylvania.
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