

Debate With The Choate School This Evening Opens Freshman Season--To Consider Hoover's Possibilities

At a recent meeting of the University Debating Council three members of the council were selected to debate here against the University of Florida on Saturday, March 12. A. E. Phillips '34, Robert Mandel '34, and G. F. Oest '33 were the men chosen. This is the first debate of the season.

The subject of the debate, which is to be held in the Large Lecture Room of the Fogg Art Museum, is: "Resolved, That Congress should enact legislation providing for specialized control of industry." The Crimson debaters will argue the affirmative side of this resolution.

On March 31 the Debating Council has arranged a debate here with Oberlin College. At this time Harvard will support the negative side of the same question of legislation to control industry.

The University Debating Council is divided into two squads. It is usually from the first squad that men for intercollegiate debates are selected. The members of the first squad are: D. J. Boorstin '34, P. H. Cohen '32, R. B. Eckles '32, C. L. Harris '34, M. A. Hoffman '34, Robert Mandel '34, S. M. Peyser '34, A. E. Phillips '34, P. C. Reardon '32, D. M. Sullivan '33 and G. F. Oest '33. The members of the second squad are: R. H. Amberg '33, R. H. Heindel '33, G. G. Johnson '34, Dudley Robinson '32, Isadore Rosenblatt '34, Harold Saxe '34 and II. M. Lawn '34.
