
The Student Vagabond


9 o'clock

"French Revolution and Cromwell," Professor Rollins, Emerson F.

"The Roman Emperor," Mr. Hammond, Sever 18.

"Stuart England," Professor Merriman, New Lecture Hall.


11 o'clock

"The Treaty of Washington and the Geneva Arbitration." Professor Haxter, Harvard 1.

"Southern French Romanesque Architecture." Professor Edgell, Fogg Large Room.

"Economic Growth and Sectional Differentiation 1840-60." Mr. Beck, New Lecture Hall.

12 o'clock

"Monetary Standards and Practices." Professor Usher. Widener U.

"Schubert and the Song." Professor Hill, Music Building.

"The Violate Cell." Professor Black. Jefferson Physical Laboratory 250.

"Renaissance Architecture." Professor Poar, Fogg Large Room.

"Ben Jonson." Professor Murray, Harvard 3.

2 o'clock

"English Meters." Professor Hillyer, Sever 1.
