
"Keep the 150's"


To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

Captain Hutchins well stated the feelings of all of us: keep the 150's!

All I can do is answer the CRIMSON Editor's question: where are men to come from for the Second University and House teams? The 150's in no way interfere with the Seconds, as anyone should know. Those on the 150's who show unusual ability, and there have been about three or four, are promoted to the Seconds.

The many (Perhaps 40) lightweights who do not remain with the 150-pound team, play with those that are left,--members of the House teams. There's no use pretending, and we might as will admit that those who like to play football would rather play on a University team than on a House team. The 150-pound team gratifies this desire, for light weights at least. A. Dryer '33.
