

Hasler Out of Brown Game With Badly Cut Knee--Putnam and Crosby Also Haye Stitches Taken

A skillful passing attack and superior stickwork were elements that brought victory to the Harvard hockey team Friday night in the opener of the two-game series with Dartmouth. The Big Green players, however, despite their low rating, proved themselves Tartars and rushed into a 2 to 0 lead before the Crimson attack could get into high and eventually run down the 5 to 2 decision.

Although featured by casualties that occurred during, as well as before the game, the contest was a spectacular one, Harvard playing fast, well-planned hockey and Dartmouth, in contract, relying chiefly upon sheer strength and individual effort. As was to be expected, the Hanoverians laid special emphasis upon body checking and the strategy wan productive numerous spills and penalties. On one occasion, there were only two Dartmouth players on the ice in addition to the goal-tender, Hawkes. The latter, it might be added, more than did his share in defending the Big Green net, handing out numerous checks and other terms of bodily contact besides handling the flying puck.

Hasier injured

W. L. Hasler '34 will be lost to the team for the game with Brown which takes place at Providence on Wednesday. He received a deep cut in the knee. The other Harvard men who were injured, Putnam and Crosby are expected back in the lineup. So numerous were the defections in the Crimson squad that Coach Stubbs was forced to substitute players individually instead of sending in complete new forward lines as usual. The veterans Wood and Cunningham, for instance, would alternate in leading Pell and Saltonstall to the attack.

The major part of the puck carrying was done by Wood, Cunningham, and Putnam, but Baldwin was also an important cog in the offensive, scoring two of the goals and being credited with two assists. The latter possesses an accuracy of shot at crucial moments that is altogether too rare on the team at present.


Miss Many Chances

Harvard as well as Dartmouth missed several apparent scoring opportunities. Passing, indicative as it is of good play, was seemingly carried to an excess by the Crimson players who in handing the pack about in front of the visitors net, allowed the opposing defencemen to gather when it seemed as if a quick shot would have found a comparatively undefeated not. The Dartmouth skaters, on the other hand, had great difficulty in controlling the disc at all and were unable to capitalize when deGive, the Harvard netman, was drawn far out of position.

The summary: HARVARD  DARTMOUTH Baldwin, Crosby, l.w.  r.w., W. Morton, Manchester Wood, Putnam, c.  c. R. Morton, Walters Cummingham, Saltonstall, Pell, r.w.  r.d. Whitcomb, Arthur McGregor, Hasier, r.d.  l.d. Faeare, Arthur DeGive, g  g., Hawkes

First period Dartmouth, Crowther, (W. Morton), 2.57: Dartmouth, R. Morton (unassistd), 9.07: Harvard, Wood (Baldwin), 16.28.

Second period Harvard, Baldwin, (Wood), 11.36: Harvard, Wood (Baldwin) 17.00.

Third period Harvard, Martin, unassisted 9.47; Harvard Baldwin (Wood), 18.50.

Score-Harvard 5, Dartmouth 2.

Penalities Jackson (tripping), Manchester (interference), McGregor (board check), Saltonstall (tripping), Whitcomb (charging), Facgre (tripping), MeGregor (holding, McGroger (illegal check), Whitcomb (charging), Whitcomb (tripping).

Referees-Cleary and Smith.

Time-Three 20m. periods.
