

Handicaps Fail to Give Possessors Many Victories-Parker Supplies Only Upset in Pole Vault

On the second day of the annual winter track carnival held on Soldiers Field yesterday, 48 students; lettermen, inexperienced freshmen, and graduate students vied for honors in the few events which were run off. Only the distance runs, pole vault, and hammer throw were held as bad weather necessitated the postponing of sprints and hurdles to today. Despite the handicap nature of the meet, yesterday's portion was rather an exciting especially as most of the honors were annexed by Crimson stars running from scratch.

In the final heat of the 600-yard run, the most interesting item of the day, J. H. Pearson '32 and N. P. Dodge '33, both running from scratch in a large field of entries, sprinted neck and neck at the taps after four laps of spirited running. Pearson nosed out his rival in the last few yard's pacing, finishing a mere tenth of a second ahead of Dodge. J. B. White '34 pressing this pair hotly throughout the race and finished a good third, a second behind the winner.

The pole vault event supplied the single upset of the day, with H. S. Parker '35, a Freshman with no previous record of athletic Powers at Harvard, making full use of his three and a quarter feet handicap to carry off the first place with a nine foot leap. J. S. Woodberry '35, jumping from scratch, annexed second place with a twelve foot vault. Neither Oscar Sutermeister '32, nor G. F. Bennett '32 entered the meet, in which they were expected to figure with some success. The best time of the afternoon came when N. P. Hallowell '32, Veteran Crimson distance man, clocked three minutes and twelve seconds in the three-quarter mile grind, as a result of close competition from W. E. Clapham 1G. B. and B. E. Estes '32, who finished but a few split seconds behind him.

The 35-pound weight throw found two

of Harvard's stellar field, men come to the fore from scratch, both registering excellent throws. A. C. Kidder '33 won this event with a hurl of more than 47 feet, the best which has been done on Soldiers Field in some time.


If the weather is sufficiently mild to permit out-of-door competitions, the sprints and hurdles will be held on the board track today. In this case the 45-yard hurdles will come at 3 o'clock with E. E. Record '32, captain of the University track team, as a promising prospect for the first medal. A large field of entries will try for honors in the 50-yard dash at 3.15 o'clock, and this will be followed at 3.30 o'clock by the 300-yard race.The summary:

600-yard run-Won by Pearson (scratch); second, Dodge (scratch); third, White (five yards). Time-1 min. 16 sec.

1000-yard run-Won by G. P. Rosen '33 (scratch); second, J. W. Higgins '33 (50 yards); third, F. D. Murphy '33 (scratch). Time-2 min. 21 4-5 sec.

Three quarter mile run-Won by N. P. Hallowell (scratch); second, M. C. Clapham (40 yards); third, Estes (scratch). Time-3 min. 12 2-5 sec.

One and a half mile run-Won by F. D. Murphy '33 (scratch); second, James Parton '34 (147 yards); third, Arthur Foote '33 (scratch). Time-7 min. 11 sec.

Pole vault-Won by Parker (three feet, three inches); second, Woodberry (scratch); third, tie between Francis Schumann '35 (three feet) and F. G. Crocker '34 (two feet, three inches). Height-12 ft. 3 in.

35-pound Weight-Won by Kidder(scratch); second, M. J. Finlayson '32 (scratch); third, D. J. Zinn '34 (14 feet). Distance-45 ft. 6 in
