

Elevated May Be Sued for Any Injuries On Cars-College Officials Will Take "Drastic Action"

Condemning subway riots, "which have occurred far too often during the past three years", and claiming they are caused by "a very small minority", the Student Council, in a statement issued following a meeting Tuesday night, urges "the whole student body to do all in its power to prevent a recurrence of any such outbreak."

The situation has become such that the college office must act to protect the University's name and the public, says the statement, and "this action must be drastic." The announcement is viewed as having the endorsement of University Hall, and designed to guard against disturbances following the Dartmouth hockey game Saturday night. The statement follows:

Council Statement

On January 14th a small group of Harvard students instigated a riot in the cars of the Boston Elevated after the Harvard-Minnesotta hockey game. Similar incidents have occurred far too often during the past three years. Subway riots have become a custom.

"Very Small Minority"


These disturbances caused by a very small minority endanger the good name of the University and the reputation of the undergraduates. It is evident that such a group does not realize the seriousness of these incidents. The property damaged is a metro traffic compared to the burden placed upon the Boston Elevated because of their responsibility for the welfare of their passengers. Men who start these disturbances subject all passengers who may be on the train at the time to inconvenience as well as chance of serious injury. These passengers may sue the Boston Elevated for any harm that comes to them while on the train regardless of its nature. The Elevated must, therefore, protect its right as well as the rights of its passengers.

"Drastic Action"

Up to this time the college office has been very lenient in dealing with men involved in these riots for fear of doing injustice to those who became unwillingly involved in the disturbance. The situation has now reached a point where the college office must act, not only to protect the University, but also the interests of the public. The University authorities, the Faculty, and the great majority of the student body, who look upon these childish disturbances as a nuisance to the public and to the Boston Elevated, will stand behind the College Office in any action they may take against men involved in such incidents in the future. That this action must be drastic is quite evident.

The Student Council urges the whole student body to do all in its power to prevent a recurrence of any such outbreak in the future
