

Undefeated Crimson Team Will Enter Contest at 4 o'clock-Points for Four Coming Meets

The University natators, undefeated in their four meets this season, will swim against the Boy's Club of Boston in the Indoor Athletic Building at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Harvard will probably encounter little difficulty, although the visitors may be expected to pick up a number of second places.

The Boys Club team met the Freshmen last year, completely out closing them in a 41-21 rout. They have not engaged in any University competition so far this season, but defeated Andover 41-34 last week.

Coach Ulen may do a little experimenting this afternoon, in preparation for the four following meets. On Saturday, February 20, the more men will entertain West Point, a week later they will travel to Dartmouth, and on Saturday March 5, Pennsylvania will come to the Harvard Pool. The season will be climaxed on Wednesday, March 9 at New Haven. The Yale team, which defeated Harvard 50-12 last year, is belived to be even faster this season. From now on the Crimson tank men will find plenty of difficulty ahead of them but the line should provide a culminating test to prove the true possibilities of the team.
