An investigation conducted by the Carnegie Foundation for the purpose of determining how much interest in music there is in the Eastern college is now being made at Harvard under the direction of Randall Thompson '20. The investigation includes a survey of the musical organizations in the College and in the Houses, and of the Music Department.
In order to obtain an idea of the musical interests of the members of the Choir and Glee Club, a questionnaire has been distributed amongst the members of these organizations, asking what music courses they are taking, what instruments they play, and with what degree of facility they play them, and if they have pianos, radios or phonographs in their rooms. Other questions ask what choral pieces they have benefited by and which pieces they have enjoyed the most.
At present a complete survey of the number of musical instruments, the type of music being played, and the interest in chamber music in all seven Houses is going on. A record of the concerts and other musical events in the Houses is also being made. The full report on all the colleges is expected to appear next fall.
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