Thirty-eight members of the Class of 1933 will figure in the elections for Senior Class officers when the polls are opened this morning in Harvard Hall, Sever Hall, in the south entry of Pierce Hall and in Emerson Hall. The balloting will take place today and tomorrow between the hours of 9 and 1 o'clock.
The seven men who have recently been nominated by petition are John Clarke Grady, of Somerville; Irad Benjamin Hardy, of Waltham; and James Patrick McCaffrey of Providence, Rhode Island, for Marshal. Also by petition have been nominated Edward Hutchins Hickey, of Boston, for Treasurer; Jerrold Harold Ruskin, of New Rochelle, New York; for Ivy Orator; Elliott Warren Robbins, of Brookline, and Richard Hiller Amberg, of New York City, for Odist.
Three Marshals Chosen
From the 13 men who are nominated for Marshal, three will be chosen by the preferential method of voting. The first position counting three points, the second position two, and the third, one. For the other offices the men with the largest number of votes will hold the position. All ballots will have to be signed by the voters.
The elections are being conducted by Atreus Von Schrader, Jr. '34, chairman of the Junior Elections Committee. He is being aided by Richard Bassett '34. Men who entered with, and plan to graduate with, the Class of 1933, are eligible to vote.
Members of the Junior Class who will assist Von Schrader in running off the election and take care of the polls are: Andrew Marshall, Jr. '34, John Ware, Jr. '34, F. F. Cary '34, C. B. Burbank '34, L. L. Thurber '34, G. S. Hayes '34, J. E. Rogerson '34 and R. H. Weed '34.
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