10 O'clock
"Philosophy of the Hellenistic Age," Professor Perry, Emerson D.
"German War of Liberation: 1813-14," Professor Fay, Harvard 1.
11 O'Clock
"Samson Agonistes," Professor Rollins Sever 9.
"Buchanan as an Expansionist," Professor Baxter, Harvard 1.
12 O'Clock
"A Midsummer Night's Dream and Merchant of Venice" Professor Murray. Harvard 3.
"Bailing and Evaporation," Professor Black, Jefferson Laboratory 250.
"Belletristic Architecture," Professor Conant, Robinson Hall.
9 O'Clock
"The Victorian Compromise," Professor Brinton, Harvard 5.
10 O'Clock
"Intellectual Development of Russia in the 18th Century," Mr. Karpovitch Boylston 21.
11 O'Clock
"Eighteenth Century Drama Germany," Professor Murray, Harvard 6.
"Farguhar," Professor Sprague, Harvard 3.
12 O' Clock
"The Rest of the Apocrypha," Professor Lake, Fogg Large Room.
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Changes of Instructors in the Mining Department.