

One-Fifth of Total Salary Distributed in Addition to Regular Pay--Explain System of Managing Stands

More than $2500 has been distributed to the 50 students who worked the concessions in the Stadium this fall, it was announced yesterday by R. T. Sharpe '28, secretary for student employment. It is usually planned to pay the stand workers $4 a week and the captains of each stand $6, but this year the concessions were so profitable that a bonus of 21 percent of his total salary was paid to each man in addition to his regular wages.

In explaining the system by which stands in the Stadium are run, Sharpe pointed out that entire charge of the concessions is given to two undergraduate or graduate managers who supervise the buying for and organization of the stands. These managers are paid a salary after all the stand workers and captains have received their fees. Under these two men is one assistant manager and two captains who are in charge of each side of the Stadium. There are eight stands in all, four on a side, and a section captain controls four of the booths, with a captain in charge of each stand and the men who work in it.

The two managers are elected for one year only, and at the expiration of this term they elect their successors from their assistants. In the spring the newly elected managers run the stands themselves at the baseball games. After organizing the concessions for the following fall these men elect their captains and section heads from the workers of the past year.

"We hire as many Freshmen as possible each year in order to have them well acquainted with the business when they are Seniors." stated Sharpe.
