
Changes in Courses For, The Second Half-Yard

Botany 14--The technique of the Microscope and of Photomicrography. Professor Jeffrey. (To be omitted).

Botany 16--Medical Mycology. To be omitted.

Chemistry 19--Technical Analysis. Associate Professor Jones. To be omitted.

Comparative Literature 4--Studies in Comparative Literature: The Lais of Marie de France. Associate Professor Magoun. To be ommitted.

Economics 36b--Economics of Public Utilities. Professor Ripley. To be omitted.


English 35b--The English Bible: The New Testament. professor Lake. To be given.

English 81--Old English Dialects and English Place-Names. Associate Professor Magoun. Te be given.

Fine Arts 17--Problems in Chinese and Japanese Art through the Mediaeval Period. Mr. Warner. Announced as a full course running through the year; to be given as a half-course in the second half-year.

Geology 6b--Seismic Prospecting. Dr Leet. To be omitted.

Geology 8--Principles of Geology. Professor Daly. To be omitted.

German 13--The Dramatic Works of Friedrich Hebbel. To be given in the second half-year; previously announced for the first half-year.

History 10b--American Revolution, and the Formation of the Constitution, 17-60-1789. To be given by Mr. S. E. Gray.

History 46--Manuscripts Materials of American Colonial History. Professor Morison. To be omitted.

Mathematics 1a--Withdrawn. Not listed in the elective pamphlet, but listed in the Divisional pamphlet.

Mathematics 8b--Dynamics (Part II). To be omitted.

Mathematics 22b--Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces (part II). Associate Professor Granstein. To be omitted.

Philosophy 20g--Seminary in the Philosophy of Religion. Professor Hocking. To be given Tuesday, 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. instead of Monday, 7.30 to 9.30 p.m.

Physiology S--Elementary Physiology. Hours changed to Monday, Wednesday, and (at the pleasure of the instructor), Friday, at 12 o'clock.

Psychology 5--Advanced Psychology Dr. Beebe Center. Hour to be changed to Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday, at 9 o'clock.

Slavie 3b--Slavic Seminar. Assistant Professor Cross. To be given. K. B. Murdock, Dean
