A group of students in the music division will be the ushers at the series of five Thursday evening chamber music concerts which the Chardon String Quartet will give in Brattle Hall, beginning tonight at 8.15 o'clock. They are R. S. Angell 2G, A. F. Bixby 2G, E. T. Clapp 2T, E. B. Lawton, Jr. '34, G. H. L. Smith '34, G. L. Wahlstrom 3G, and J. B. Woodworth 1G.
The opening program of the series will be as follows: Beethoven, Sextet for String Quartet and Two Horns in E-flat (Opus 81b); Hindemith, Third Quartet; Brahms, Quartet in C-minor (Opus 51). Messrs. Valkenier and Lannoye, horn players of the Boston Symphony Orchestra will be the assisting artists at tonight's concert. The members of the quartet are Norbert Lauga, first violin; Clarence Knudson, second violin; Jean Cauhape, viola; and Yves Chardon, all of whom are also members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
The other concerts in the series will be held on January 19, February 16, March 16, and April 20. Tickets may be obtained at the Longy School of Music, 44 Church Street or at the door.
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