
News from the Houses

Second Freshman Team Overwhelms House Outfit, 40 to 21

Leverett swimmers received a defeat at the hands of the Freshman natators in the Indoor Athletic Pool Building, taking the short end of a 40 to 21 score. The Leverett House aggregation was slated to meet Dunster House, but was obliged to take on the 1936 seconds since the latter House was unable to raise enough men to form an aqua- tic team.

The Freshmen conceded all the diving events to the Leverett outfit, which substantially bolstered the score of the lesers. The yearlings placed first in every event run off, however, leaving Leverett only three second places: those in the 200-yard free-style swim, the 50-yard backstroke race, and the 50-yard breast-stroke event. Some excellent times were turned in by the Freshmen, who bid fair to take over any House team they meet this year
