Nine names have been added to the list of 42 nominees for the second senior class elections which are to be held tomorrow and Thursday. The additions are the result of petitions circulated among class members during the past week.
The following men have been nominated by petition: Permanent Class Committee: Lewis Larsen Filstrup, of St. Joseph, Michigan, Pat Orr Johnson, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Horace Greeley Reisner, Jr., of West Lafyette, Indiana.
For Class Day Committee: Francis Paul Campana, of Boston, Jerrold Harold Ruskin, of New Rochelle, New York.
For Album Committee: Donald Folsom Pitcher, of Hingham, John James Ryan, Jr., of Jamaica Plain, Harold Manfred Shore, of Jersey City, New Jersey.
For Permanent Class Secretary: Donal Mark Sullivan, of Boston.
A new departure in the class elections has appeared with the nomination of Filstrup who is a Senior in the Engineering School. Never before has an engineering School. Never before has an engineering student's name been sent in for the ballot. Filstrup was nominated as the result of an open straw vote taken among the seniors at the school last week, who desired to be represented in the elections. Results of the elections will be printed in Friday's CRIMSON.
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