


William Wemple '34, of Somerville, New Jersey, was elected captain of the 1988 soccer team yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the squad after the annual picture. Wemple, who prepared at Loomis School, has played fullback on the Varsity squad for the last two years. This year he played regularly at right fullback, turning in consistently good performances, especially in the two Yale games.

The most phenomenal single play of the season was made by wemple in the M.I.T. game, in which he kicked the ball a full 60 yards past the goalie and into the net for a score, to start a rally which gave the Crimson booters a 5 to 0 triumph. Although a fullback, he has figured in the scoring in several games. In the second Yale game it was largely his play which gave the Crimson a tie with the powerful Eli team.

The team which Wemple will captain next season is expected by coach J. F. Carr '28 to be the strongest outfit put on the field by Harvard for a number of years. Only four regulars will be lost by graduation, while strong reenforcements will come up form this year's sterling Freshman lineup. Captain A. T. T. Schumacher '33, right outside, and C. H. Parker ocC, left inside, will be lost from the forward wall, while T. A. Waters '33, right halfback, and R. E. Eaton '33, left halfback, will leave vacancies in the halfback line. H. V. Briesen '33, substitute back, are also lettermen graduating. Five excellent forwards form the Freshman team will bolster the team at what has been its weakest point during this season, while a representative backfield will also be graduated to the Varsity.

Much of this year's team was composed of sophomores, which should mean a stellar team for Coach Carr in 1834. J. S. England '35, goalie, probably the outstanding player of the year, H. B. B. Robinson '35, centre halfback, D. C. Clos '35, right inside, M. G. Grover '35, center forward, E. H. Robbins '35, left outside, and G. F. Stork '35 left inside have all played regularly. R. M. Gummere '34. W. F. Whitney '34, and R.S. Baxter '34 are returning as regulars for their last year of play. Captain John Dorman '36. right inside, is probably the most promising of the 1936 booters
