On Monday and Tuesday evenings, December 12 and 13, the new Memorial church will be the scene of the annual concert of Christmas carols that is given by the University Choir and the Radcliffe Choral society for the benefit of the Cambridge visiting Nurses Association. A matinee concert will be given on one of the days in order to make possible the attendance of a larger audience.
The program this year which will be given on the evenings stated at 8.15 o'clock, has been arranged by Dr. A. T. Davison '06, director of the University choir. The carols to be sung this year are "The First Nool"; "Wassail Song", by Vaughan Williams; "Chanson Joyouse", by F. A. Geraert; "Bring a Torch, Jennette, Isabella", an old French carol harmonized by Nurm; "Christians Song of the 14th Century", by Bodenschatz; "Shepherds Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep", a Besancon carol; "Silent Night, Holy Night"; and "Hallolujah Chorus" from Handel's "Messiah".
The first evening on which the carols will be presented is intended primarily for the members of the carols at the other times will be open to the public. In addition to collections for the Nurses Association, gifts of toys, new or old, will be accepted for distribution to needy children.
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