

"World Economic Planning" Is Subject For Discussion at Meeting of Council At Phillips Brooks House

Initiating-a program for more intimate contact between the American and foreign members of the University, the second meeting of the International Council this year marks the first large scale attempt to bring the foreign student into contact with the other students in the University. Some 50 foreign members of the University will be entertained by the new committees in each of the seven Houses. These committees are under the leadership of M.S. Knowles '34, chairman of the Foreign Student Committee. The chairmen in the Houses are W.C. Loring '35, R.L. Brehans '34, V.H. Kramer '35, Cullison Cady '35, J.F. Farr '33, Henry Holm '34 and Peter Shuebruk '33 in Adams, Dunster, Eliot, Kirkland, Leverett, Lowell and Winthrop Houses respectively.

Mason Speaks

"World Economic Planning" will be the subject of a discussion to be led by E. S. Mason, associate professor of Government, at the meeting of the International Council in Phillips Brooks House at 7.30 o'clock tonight. Mr. Mason will discuss the economic programs from both the national and international point of view. He will point out that national economic planning forms a barrier to a wider scope in international affairs.

Entertain Foreign Students

Members of the Houses have invited students from a number of foreign countries to dine with them at one of the large tables that will be formed in each House. After the meal, the foreign students have been invited to join the American students in their studies for a short get-together. Following this, it is planned that the foreign and American students will together go to the meeting of the International Council and complete the evening with the discussion on economic planning.
