Patronesses and ushers for the second annual Freshman Tea Dance in the Union, to be held from 5 to 7 o'clock after the game tomorrow, were announced last night by S. R. Calloway '36, chairman of the Union Committee. Mrs. Delmar Leighton heads the list of patronesses.
The Union will be decorated with green sprays of pine and other shrubs. Dancing will be in the main lower common room, with refreshments served in the north wing. Sammy Liner's Metropolitan Orchestra will furnish music for the occasion.
Assisting Mrs. Leighton as patronesses will be Mesdames George Putnam, R. M. Claflin, S. H. Wolcott, F. R. Moseley, D. F. Cutler, N. S. Bartlett, Arthur Perry, and Phillip Dalton.
The following twelve men from the class of '36 will act as ushers: N. S. Bartlett, D. F. Cutler, E. W. Dalton, J. F. Ducey W. D. Hardwick, Lewis Iselin, W. P. Jones, Gordon Palmer, Timothy Putnam, W. W. Prout, G. E. Prouty, and R. S. Wolcott.
All arrangements for the dance have been made by a committee consisting of S. R. Callaway and F. R. Mosely, Jr., chairmen of the dance committee, and Graham King and C. L. Blair, assistant chairmen. R. A. Stout '29, secretary of the Union, and Delmar Leighton '19, Dean of Freshmen, have acted in an advisory capacity with the '36 Union Committee. The price of tickets has been set at $1.25 per couple, or $.75 stag.
The first Freshman tea dance was held in the Union, after the Yale game last year.
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