

Always Conducted on Evening Before Yale Game--Plans For Presentation of "Damnation of Faust"

On Friday, November 18, the Glee Club will journey to New Haven, where they will participate that evening in a joint concert with the Yale Glee Club. This performance is an annual affair, which is held the evening before the Harvard Yale game, at the same place as the game.

Fifty nine men will sing in the concert, including 12 first tenors, 15 second tenors, 16 baritones, and 16 basses. The men who will make the trip are:--first tenors: E. T. Clapp '35, E. E. Gaskill 2G., W. F. R. Haigh '33, Louis Harap 1G, W. H. Jewell 1L, H. G. Pearson, Jr. '34, N. H. Pollock, Jr. 1G, H. B. Sawyer, Jr. '36, Harold Schmidt 1G, E. L. Smith '34, F. B. Tolles '36, and J. A. Wilhelm '36; second tenors; J. G. Brooks '35, E. T. Canby '35, George Ehrenfreid '35, E. V. Ferguson '35, Frederick Fuller 1G, E. H. Haig '33, J. S. Lang '35, Edward Lee '34, S. T. Rodgers '36, A. L. Schade '34, C. S. Spalding '33, F. D. Tuemmler 1G, R. W. Vilter '33, T. W. Williamson '36, B. A. Young 1L.

Baritones: T. L. Archibald 1L, Philander Bates 2G.B., H. L. Brooks 2Ts., K. W. Brown '35, E. E. Calvin '35, Courtlandt Canby '36, Zechariah Chafee '34, A. T. Collier '34, L. P. Forster '33, E. A. Grant '32, R. I. Hardin 3L, J. D. Kernan '34, L. P. Marks 2L, H. W. Rubin '35, F. F. Silver '34, and R. S. Tangeman 1G; bases: G. H. Acheson '33, H. M. Daft '34, A. L. Gordon '34, H. E. Holm '35, C. V. MacCoy 5G, J. L. McDowell 4Dn., M. F. McKesson '34, J. H. Packard '34, T. B. Palmer 4G, W. S. Salant '33, R. E. Simon, Jr. '35, R. P. Stebbins '33, M. E. Vuilleumier '35, E. F. Wahlstrom 3G, G. W. Welsh '34, and J. W. Welsh 2G.B.

Although plans are still somewhat tentative, the Club expects to present the "Damnation of Faust," by Hector Berlioz, in conjunction with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Radcliffe Choral Society, some time later in the year. This idea was suggested by Mr. Koussevitzky, director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

There will also be a concert with the Wellesley College Choir
