At 8 o'clock tonight in the New Lecture Hall, T. S. Eliot '10, the eminent poet and critic, will deliver the first lecture of the Charles Eliot Norton Professorship of Poetry. Mr. Eliot comes to Harvard as the sixth holder of the Chair, and the first American to receive this honor in the last six years.
Four Lectures
The subject of the talk tonight will be "The Relation of Criticism and Poetry," and is the first of a series of eight lectures on "The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism." The series of talks is divided into two groups of four lectures each. The titles and dates of the first group, which will be given during the first half year, are: "Poetry and Criticism in the Time of Elizabeth," Friday, November 25; "The Classical Tradition: Dryden and Johnson," Friday, December 2; "The Theories of Coleridge and Words-worth," Friday, December 9.
The Norton Professorship was endowed by the late C. C. Stillman '98, as a memorial to Professor Norton. The holders are chosen without regard to nationality or special field, according to the terms of the endowment, as long as they represent the literary humanities. Last year, the Chair was held by Professor Sigurthur Nordal, Professor of Icelandic Literature at the University of Iceland, who spoke on "The Spirit of Icelandic Literature."
Professor Eliot, is the author of many well-known poems and critical essays, and has been living in London.
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