The selection of temporary officers of the 1936 Debating Council was announced last night at a dinner held in the upper common room of the Freshman Union. T. H. Quinn '36 will serve as chairman until permanent officers are selected in January, with J. S. Bach, Jr. '36 acting as secretary and Lewis Perry, Jr. '36 as corresponding secretary.
The 35 members of the council who attended the dinner were addressed by W. S. Howell, instructor in Public Speaking, F. C. Packard '20, assistant professor of Public Speaking, Dehnar Leighton '19, dean of Freshmen, and D. M. Sullivan '33, president of the University Debating Council. The activity of first year debaters for the year was outlined by the speakers, and the first debate of the season announced. In this contest 1936 speakers will oppose a team from Winthrop Senior High School, one of the leading high school debating groups. The question to be argued is: "Resolved, That debts contracted with our allies prior to the Armistice should be unconditionally cancelled."
Trials for this debate, in which Harvard will uphold the affirmative, will begin this week. Three speakers and an alternate will be selected by Howell, who will coach the teams with the assistance of members of the University Debating Council.
Immediately after the Christmas recess a meeting of the Council will be held in the Union, with a parliamentary debate and forum upon a subject of current interest as the feature. The subject will be announced shortly. At this meeting permanent officers of the Freshman Council will be elected. The temporary committee is now negotiating for several other debates with high school and college teams, and expects to have the full schedule prepared soon
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