
Leaders of Capitalist System Must Accept Responsibility of Leadership, Says Baker--Big Business at Fault in Crisis

"If the responsibility for the present depression can be laid at anyone's door, surely big business is the most likely doorstep," declared Newton D. Baker, when interviewed by a CRIMSON reporter yesterday. "Many of us have grown up in the United States to feel that the capitalistic system brings with it the largest social and economic gains. The period of depression in which we are now plunged has taught us that this system has defects. Thousands who have suffered in the present crisis have for years entrusted their independence to the leaders in the capitalistic world. If these leaders do not recognize and meet their responsibility at this time, there is no doubt that those who are suffering will of necessity call this leadership into question.

"We have grown accustomed to hearing our country referred to as the richest nation in the world. In the coming winter, not only our much heralded wealth is being tested, but our entire economic and social system as well. Millions are out of jobs. Millions are suffering in this land of plenty. The most trying winter since the start of the depression faces us.

"It is the short-sighted business man who builds for today only. A progressive man builds with the future in mind. If industrial prosperity is to be ours, we shall need trained and strong workers. To give this year is not a humanitarian project alone; it is good business.

"May 1 urge Harvard men to address themselves to the project of building our nation upon a new humanitarian and good business foundation? America's greatest asset has been the courage of her people. Those of us who are in positions of trust and responsibility must see to it that the man-power of our nation is kept unbroken and unimpaired if we hope to stage a comeback for better and more prosperous times. Upon the welfare of the people depends the ultimate welfare of a nation."
