Five scholarships showing an especial preference for Freshmen from the West or South are being awarded today by the Committee on Scholarships. The awards include three James A. Rumrill Scholarships, with special preference for students from the Southern states. These have been assigned to Lemuel Bowden '36, of Norfolk, Virginia; James Edmund king '36, of Leesburg, Florida; and Audley Henry Shoemaker '36, of Augusta, Georgia.
Other awards include the Charles Elliott Perkins scholarship for a graduate of an Iowa high school, awarded this year to Kenneth Edward Colton '36, of Des Moines, Iowa; and the Edwards Whitaker scholarship for a student from the Middle West, assigned to William Thomas Anderson '36, of Hardin, Illinois. The average stipend for the five scholarships amounts to $480.
University Gives $275,000
These awards follow the assigning of 298 scholarships to students in the three upper classes of the College. They total $99,294, or an average of about $330 per student, and are based primarily on high scholarship, and each of the 298 men is of dean's list rating. The upper class awards are in addition to the Freshman Scholarships and other loan and aid funds for undergraduates, which bring the total amount available for financial assistance for students in the College to approximately $275,000 for this year so far.
Recent competition for scholarships has become keener than at any period in the history of the College.
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