Julian S. Huxley, famous biologist of King's College, London, and Lowell lecturer this year, will speak in Sanders Theatre on the topic of "Ants and Men" at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. The address, given under the auspices of the Society of Sigma XI, will be open to the public.
Professor Huxley, the grandson of the famous scientist and free-thinker T. H. Huxley, and brother of the novelist Aldous Huxley, is known as the author of numerous books on biological subjects. Co-author with J. B. S. Haldane of "Animal Biology," used in Biology A and Zoology 1 courses at Harvard, and with H. G. Wells of "The Science of Life," he also acted as biological editor for the Encyclopaedia Britannica. He has continued his grandfather's theory of evolution in two recent works, "The Stream of Life" and "Religion Without Revelation."
Professor Huxley's special field of investigation and hobby is bird-lore. He is one of the most eminent authorities on bird-behavior, and has also made extended investigations of social life among ants.
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