

Additional Names May Be Added Until Saturday--Must Be Handed in at Dunster House D-12

Names of 30 Seniors nominated for nine offices were announced last night by the Senior Class Nominating Committee. In the first election, on Monday and Tuesday, December 5 and 6, three marshals, a treasurer, ivy orator, orator, odist, poet and chorister will be chosen; nominations and balloting in the second election, for secretary, album committee, class day committee and permanent class committee, will follow on Wednesdays, December 7 and 14.

Petitions in Before Saturday

The nominating committee, composed of W. S. Sims, Jr., chairman; S. C. Dorman, C. J. Fleming, Jr., R. H. Hallowell, G. C. St. John, Jr., Peregrine White and Hamilton Young, will welcome suggestions; petitions for additional nominations, signed by 25 Seniors, should be handed in before noon on Saturday, December 3, at D-12 Dunster House. Eligible voters are those entering with the Class of 1933, and those graduating with the Class of 1933, receiving an A.B., or S.B. degree.

Preferential Voting for Marshals

The three marshals will be chosen by preferential voting, first petition on the ballot counting three points; second, two; third, one. Balloting will be conducted by the Junior Elections Committee, headed by Atreus von Schrader '34. The treasurer will hold office for life. The class oration is delivered in Sanders Theater; the Ivy oration, of humorous nature, in the Stadium; the chorister leads the singing of "Fair Harvard."


In addition to the treasurer, the secretary and permanent class committee to be elected later will hold their offices for life.
