

Training Plans For Entire Squad Are Discussed at Lowell--Practice To Be Held Daily.

About 50 skiers, Freshmen and Upperclassmen, met last night in the Lowell House Common Room to discuss prospects for the proposed Harvard teams in various intercollegiate and open meets this winter.

The Varsity Squad will be divided into those men who are training especially for the downhill and slalom races, which are the main interest of the team, and those who, from ineligibility or inexperience will go with the team merely to practice. Minor letters will be awarded by the H.A.A. to members of the Varsity and Freshman Teams who have done well in two or more meets. Unfortunately one of Harvard's greatest ski-runners, R.H. Livermore '32, has been lost from team competitions by graduation.

The squad will hold dally practice in the baseball cage, chiefly leg and ankle strengthening exercises, and will get itself in condition by daily distance running. H.B. Washburn '83, acting captain of the squad is particularly anxious to get together a ski-jumping team, aspirants for which will be allowed to practice at the Braeburn Country Club Ski-jump.
