

Since the closing of Widener Library in the evening appears definite for the remainder of the year, most of the extra burden will be placed on the House libraries. While these collections of books are good they are by no means comprehensive enough for all needs, because of the general rule restricting House members to the use of their own libraries.

The removal of this restriction would be a considerable aid in the solution of the present library problem. Such an action would not only widen the selection of books an supplement the now curtailed facilities of the College Library, but also it would spare certain Houses the expense of purchasing duplicates of expensive sets owned by other Houses. Furthermore there would not be the danger presented by inter-house eating, overcrowding, since the libraries are comparatively equal in size and advantages.

With the restriction that students visiting House libraries other than their own should not take the books out overnight, and that they should first obtain the written statement of their own librarian to the effect that his library is not in possession of the book in question, an exchange of library courtesies would seem a simple way of aiding in the solution of the present reading difficulties.
