The news that Harvard has invested in a new land purchase will doubtless call forth vociferous protest from at least a few of the courageous Antaratic malcontents who massed their library opinions on the steps of Widener, and found them cool enough. It deserves to be said however, that the criticism of the University's actions would be greater if purchase of the land had been delayed, and the owners of the property left to dispose of it at will. No one in Winthrop House, for example, would relish the idea of a towering apartment house on the land. Without University control the possibilities of such an occurrence are one hundred per cent greater then with it. And difficult as they are to fill apartment houses seems to spring up with remarkable case.
Of course such a purchase constitutes for the University a capital investment, an the funds are obtained accordingly. The land will become permanent property of Harvard, and what has been a constant eyesore in the midst of the river front, will now be remedied. Under the present conditions, the University has acted wisely in taking possession of this property when the occasion for getting it reasonably presented itself. The land next to Dunster will probably always remain a playground. While the purchase appears on the surface uneconomical, in reality it is sane move in the consolidation of Harvard ownership of all the land along the focal point of house locations.
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