Before an audience of over 350 persons, the Honorable W. M. Maltbie, Chief Justice of Connecticut, the presiding judge, awarded the decision to the Brandeis Club, counsel for the plaintiff, in the semi-final argument of the Ames Award Competition, held last night in the Court Room of Langdell Hall.
The case argued was an equity Sault brought by the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth of the Ames Competition to set aside a pardon granted to the defendant by Governor Good fellow, on the grounds that the pardon had been fraudulently obtained. The Lowell Club, represented by J. J. Rosenberg 3L, and N. B. Tyre 3L, argued for the defendant. R. E. Kopp 3L, argued for the defendant R. E. Kopp 3L, and M. M. Schuitzer 3L, represented counsel for the plaintiff. In addition to Justice Maltble, the Honerable C. J. Dunn. Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, and the Honorable J. M. Morton, Jr. '91, United States Circuit Judge attended.
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