A protest meeting against the early closing of the University Library will take place at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in Phillips Brooks House. H. N. Doughty, Jr. '26, instructor and tutor in English will be the principal speaker.
The student committee which has been in charge of circulating the petitions protesting the closing of the library is organizing the meeting and last night distributed posters in several Houses and dormitories announcing it. The Liberal Club and the National Students' League are cooperating with the committee in running the meeting.
It was learned last night that within a short time, the committee would collect all the petitions with the signatures attached and present them to the University. Estimates as to the number of men who have signed vary, but members of the committee stated last night that it was close to 1000.
It was also stated that the meeting would be held for the purpose of considering further action after the petitions had been handed in.
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