

Had Been Suggested To Roosevelt For The Attorney-Generalship--Known As Leader in Legal Profession

Appointment as a visiting professor at Oxford has been accepted by Felix Frankfurter, Byrne Professor of Administrative Law. The appointment, which is for the academic year 1933-34, comes under the service of the George Eastman Foundation which Professor Frankfurter has been interested in sustaining.

Through the generosity of George Eastman, the visiting professorship was established three years ago by the Association of American Rhodes Scholars. Other who have held this chair are J. L. Lowes, professor of English, and Professor W. C. Mitchell of Columbia.

It is expected that this move by Professor Frankfurter will tend to quell any further speculation as to his being a possible incumbent of the office of Attorney-General in the Democratic cabinet of President Roosevelt.

Early this summer when Professor Frankfurter was suggested as a possibility for the Massachusetts Supreme Court Bench, Roscoe Pound, dean of Harvard Law School, said of him, "Professor Frankfurter's very great abilities are to well and too widely known to make it needful for anyone to vouch for them. His abilities and his acknowledged placed as one of the leaders in thought among lawyers and law teachers speak for themselves." At the same time, he was termed as one of ablest and most profound members of the legal profession in the country by Oliver Wendell Holmes '61, retired associate justice of the United States Supreme Court.
