"The only way out of this present crisis is to establish a workers' and farmers communist republic", said Bello Lewis, campaign chairman of the New England district of the Communist Party in a CRIMSON interview yesterday.
"The capitalist class will not grant anything by virtue of petitions or votes", continued Miss Lewis. "They will use force and violence against the workers and the workers will have a turn around and use force and violence against the capitalists. The idea of a bloody revolution may seem terrible to many people, but it is a lot better than the killing of workers every day in the year under the present regime.
"Our party demands immediate unemployment insurance for workers, consisting of $50 a week to each unemployed man and $25 for each dependent, and we are planning a hunger march on Washington in December to present our demands".
Questioned about the Communist attitude towards the other presidential candidates, Miss Lewis stated, "If Mr. Hoover is elected, the depression will continue, because he is a candidate of the capitalist class Mr. Roosevelt is endorsed by the Wall Street Journal and the New York Commercial and Financial Chronicle, because they realize that Roosevelt will run the government for the benefit of Wall Street Roosevelt, who speaks about the 'Forgotten Man's has himself forgotten the men in his own state. He is just as able to bring the United States out of the depression as he was to bring his own state out of the present situation. Mr. Thomas has been getting a lot of publicity in the capitalist press because the capitalists see in the Socialist Party a leverage to check the revolutionary activity of the workers and farmers and they consider the Socialist Party as a friend in their struggle with the working class".
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