

Nine States Represented in Harvard Applications--Majority From New York and Massachusetts

Thirteen members of this year's Senior class, three Juniors, and a like number from the class of 1932, have applied for Rhodes scholarships this year. Five of these men are applicants in the Massachusetts district, five in New York, two in Pennsylvania, and one each in Arizona, Idaho, California, Minnesota, Connecticut, Ohio, and Vermont.

Those who have applied in Massachusetts are; G. F. Bennett '33, H. H. Bissell '33, H. C. Hatfield '33, K. W. McMahan '33, and Peter Shuebruk '33, J. C. Campbell '33, D. M. Frame '32, A. L. Gordon '34, W. A. Huppuch '33, and E. B. Smullyan '32, have applied in New York. The other applicants with their states are: G. H. Acheson '33, and W. A. Schroeder, Jr.'33, Pennsylvania; E. A. Aekerman '34, Idaho; R. L. Bohrens '34, Ohio; F. C. Bell '33, California; J. DeQ. Briggs, Jr. J. M. Rubinow '33, Connecticut; and A. W. Wilkinson '33, Arizona.

Two types of competitions are held before the final selection for the scholarships is made. The first, the state competitions, will be held on Saturday, December 10, at which time two men will be retained from each state. The district competitions, of which there are eight, each district being composed of six states, will take place early in the following week. Four men will be awarded scholarships from each district.
