A lack of material in the dashes and field events confronts coaches C. F. Gallagher and Jaakko Mikkola in their Fall track squad. Graduation last June robbed the team of four Intercollegiate champions, as well as much other material. The champions graduated last June were M. J. Finlayson, Indoor intercollegiate weight throw champion, E. E. Record, hurdler, N. P. Hallowell, half-miler, and Oscar Sutermeister, pole-vaulter.
Twenty Varsity and forty-five Freshman runners have been practicing for a week in preparation for the Fall Handicap Meet, to be held the first week in November. Track men are under the supervision of Coach Gallagher, while Coach Mikkola is devoting his attention to field contestants.
Among the veterans to be seen on the field are Captain N. P. Dodge '33, and J. M. Morse '34, quarter milers; A. Kidder '33, hammer; J. J. Healey '34, discus; J. B. White '34, half-mile; R. Bassett '34, javelin; P. A. Pescosolido '34, dashes. Prospects from last year's unbeaten Freshman team are F. F. Locke, E. F. Howditch, W. C. McCarty, E. E. Calvin, J. D. Woodberry, F. Schumaun.
Men who expect to grasp the opportunity created by the lack of material are advised by Coach Mikkola to report immediately.
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Upperclassmen and Dropped Freshmen