The Harvard Dramatic Club at its opening meeting on Tuesday night elected John Haggert '35 to take the place of Charles Sedgwick '34 on the executive committee, it was announced yesterday. A list of plays from which the Fall production will be selected was drawn up by the play reading committee of the club.
The plays to be considered are as follows: "Marching as to War" by Robert E. Sherwood '18; "Father William" by Donald Ogden Stewart; "The Genius and His Brother" by Sil Vara; "Lazzaro" by Luigi Pirandello; "The Villain is a Hero After All" by Eugene Walter; "The Life is Real" by Elmer Rice; "The Third Day" by John Van Druten; and "Dr. Harmer's Holiday" by Sir Arthur Pinero. None of these plays has been produced before in this country, which is in keeping with the Club's policy of producing new plays as often as possible.
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