
Roosevelt Declares Progressive Thought Will Overwhelm Crisis

Sends Greetings To Harvard Men--Urges Eligible Voters To Assume Duty.

"Conservatives with little or no detailed purpose remain in power through sheer inertia", declared Franklin D. Roosevelt '04, in an exclusive CRIMSON interview in the Parents' House at Groton yesterday afternoon. "My fight is with the leadership in this present crisis. I hope to have the support of all progressive thinking people of the nation in carrying this fight to an end.

"In days of no difficult economic problem, the conservative party is generally apt to remain in control of the government because they can then unite in opposition to any change, but when serious economic problems arise, the average nation turns to liberal or progressive leadership, realizing that new policies have to be adopted to meet new ideas.

"The young man who considers entering politics must not do so until he has some occupation upon which he can fall back in case he should become an 'out'," continued the Democratic nominee, who is coming to speak in the Boston Arena tonight. "To enter politics does not necessarily mean the holding of high office, for I particularly emphasize the importance of local government. It is in the smaller units of government that the bulk of the taxes are spent. There also, is the best opportunity for greater efficiency.

"I am glad to send my greetings to present day Harvard through the greatest of all college dailies, on which I received my first and last newspaper training", continued Roosevelt, a former CRIMSON president. "The only message pertinent at the present time is the definite duty that lies on the shoulders of every student of age to vote".
