

Hoover or Roosevelt" Is Question To Be Contested By Men Facing Brown And Yale This Week.

In the debate against Brown in Providence, on Thursday, Harvard will uphold the affirmative of the resolution "That Franklin D.Roosevelt should Be Elected President". The Harvard speakers will be E. H. Hickey '33, V. H. Kramer '35, and M. J. Litwack '34.

The Debating Council has chosen nine men to participate in three debates which will be held Thursday and Friday. The debates are with Yale, at Cambridge and New Haven, on Thursday, and with Brown at Providence on Friday. All are on the subject of the election.

In Cambridge, Harvard will have the affirmative of the question "Resolved, That Herbert Hoover Be Re-elected". The Harvard speakers will be J.J.Ryan '33, A.M. Phillips '34, and R. H. Amberg '33. The Yale debaters will be W. A. Rill, H. D. Harfield and W. J. Howe.

At New Haven, Harvard will uphold the negative of a resolution supporting Franklin D. Roosevelt. The speakers from Cambridge will be J. T. Higgins '34, S. J. Peyser '34, and D. M. Sullivan '33, President of the Debating Council. The speakers for Yale will be J. W. Tilson, Jr., Franklin Ferriss, and Roger Tubby.

The nine final speakers were chosen from a group of 15 men who were picked in tryouts last week. Three of the Harvard speakers participated in the debate with Yale last spring on the same subject.
