


Five members of the faculty of Harvard University will be among those to deliver lectures at the Lowell Institute this year. The Lowell lectures, to which admission is free but by ticket only, have been given annually at Huntington Hall, in the Rogers Building, 491 Boylston Street, Boston. The five Harvard professors to lecture are E. S. Mason, associate professor of Economics, F. N. Robinson '09, professor of English, L. M. S. Miner, dean of the Dental School and professor of Clinical Oral Surgery, C. M. Campbell, professor of Psychiatry at the Medical School, and Elton Mayo, professor or Industrial Research.

Professor Mason will give a course of eight lectures on "The Economic Problems of Socialism and of Planned, Economy." The individual titles of the lectures, which will be given on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5 o'clock beginning Monday, December 5, are as follows: 1. Marxian Socialism as Tactics and as Program. 2. Freedom and authority in the Marxian State. 3. The Counting of Costs in a Socialist Society. 4. The Nature and Meaning of Costs in a Socialist Society. 5. Can a Socialist Society Utilize Its Resources Rationally? 6. Socialism and Economic Planning. 7. The Russian Experiment. 8. Is Planning Compatible with Free Enterprise?

Another group of six lectures will be given by Professor Robinson on "Early Celtic Civilization" with the following single titles: 1. The Celtic Peoples. 2. and 3. The Heroic Age in Ireland (two lectures). 4. The Celtic Church in Britain and Ireland. 5. The Heroic Age in Wales. 6. Medieval Wales. This course is to open on January 12 and will continue each Thursday and Monday at 5 o'clock.

The titles and dates of the lectures by Professor Mayo, Miner, and Campbell will be announced within the next week.
