

Scarcity of Upperclassmen in First Day's Events--Varsity Men Entered In Running Events Today

Three events, the pole vault, the broad jump, and the high jump, were run off in the annual fall handicap track meet yesterday. None of the performances were remarkable with the exception of the 12 feet, one inch pole vault made by J. D. Woodberry '35. The majority of the competitors were Freshmen since few members of the Varsity squad or other upperclassmen entered the events yesterday.

The javelin throw, which did not take place yesterday, will be held at 1.30 o'clock today, to allow a greater number of men to enter this event. The other events scheduled for today will take place at 2.15 o'clock and will include the 70-yard high hurdles, the 70-yard dash, the 440-yard run, the 120-yard low hurdles, the 150-yard dash, and the 880-yard run.

The Varsity men entering today's events include J. M. Morse '34 in the 70-yard dash, N. P. Dodge '33 in the 150-yard dash, Bay Estes, a former mile runner in the Varsity track team, in the 880-yard run, and J. B. White '34 also in the 880-yard run. Daily cross-country practice prevents the attendance of many excellent long distance runners.

The summaries:

High Jump: Won by M. Z. Paisner '36; tied for second J. C. Prescott '36 and R. C. Hall '36, Height: Five feet, ten inches.


Broad Jump: Won by H. C. Arnold '36; second, M. Z. Paisner '36; third, T. W. Williamson '36. Length: 21 feet, six inches.

Pole Vault: Won by J. D. Woodberry '35; second, T. F. Piper '36; third, L. B. Lyman '36. Height: 12 feet, one inch.
