

Undaunted by its failure last year to bring foreign students into closer contact with American students, the Foreign Students Committee of Phillips Brooks House has once again proposed a plan. The Committee has decided to organize a sub-committee in each House which will make arrangements for foreign students to line in the House as guests and for residents to invite foreign students privately if they choose to do so.

The success of the plan depends almost entirely upon the initiative and spirit of the men who make up the House committees. The average undergraduate is usually unwilling to go outside his conventional girdle in his search for friends and it will be the job of each committee to penetrate below this reserve and stimulate an interest and a desire to meet the foreign students half way. Harvard is unusually lucky in being a center where students gather from all parts of the world and the House plan provides a splendid background for an exchange of ideas and of friendship. The Phillips Brooks House committee. If well chosen, should make pleasant contact possible.
